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Total %Germination and Survival

After concluding the Common Garden study at CSU Channel Islands on March 31, 2015 I censused successfully germinated seedlings for survival. Figure 1: % Germination and Survival of SRI Island Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana insularis) with different irrigation and leaf litter treatments. HP = High Irrigation, LP = Low Irrigation, +LL = Leaf Litter Presence, -LL = Leaf … Continue reading Total %Germination and Survival

Analysis: Island Torrey Pine Reproductive Habitat

Over the past few weeks I have been working hard to quantify the reproductive habitat for the Island Torrey pine. Using ArcMap v. 10.21 I began testing several distances (m) using Global Moran’s I for each grove. This test performs a statistical analysis for trees with (seedlings+saplings) and clusters reproductive trees with a high or … Continue reading Analysis: Island Torrey Pine Reproductive Habitat

Field Methods with the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ)

I never thought I would be a birder growing up but that has all changed since my engagement at CSU Channel Islands and my enrollment in Ornithology. Recently I have had the opportunity to learn how to conduct transects, point counts, bird band and set up and take down mist nets. I was able to … Continue reading Field Methods with the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (WFVZ)

Capstone Research

Title: Population Dynamics of the Island Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana insluaris) on Santa Rosa Island, CA Hypothesis: What effect does precipitation and leaf litter have on the germination (time and probability) of Pinus torreyana insluaris? Abstract: The Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana and ssp. Pinus torreyana insularis) is the rarest pine species in North America, with … Continue reading Capstone Research

About Andrew Brinkman

I am a Environmental Science and Resource Management senior in at California State University Channel Islands who enjoys studying the interaction of environmental impacts on natural resources. I have worked extensively in coastal, marine, riparian and island ecosystems. Some of my experiences include studying the effects of wildfires on riparian ecosystems, deep sea marine acoustic … Continue reading About Andrew Brinkman