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Disasters in 2015

  Coincidentally, waiting until today to do this on health care disaster blog has given me an opportunity to look into a disaster that didn’t happen 10 years ago, 5 years ago, or last year—but three days ago. On Saturday April 25th, Nepal experienced a 7.8 earthquake affecting 8 million people that according to CNN news has more than 4,600… Read more →

First Day of NRS420

Wow! First day of the LAST semester of nursing school! Honestly, it’s hard to believe that soon, we will all be nurses! I have been looking forward to this semester and after the first day of class, I know that I was excited for all the right reasons! I love that our instructor is only providing us with material one… Read more →

Angela Krego

This is my test post. Here is a picture of gluten free mini chocolate chip pumpkin muffins because they are delicious and I want to go home and make them.