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End of Life Care

When my grandmother was dying, she was brought back to her home from the hospital. My father and his siblings all stayed in the house and cared for her, with the help of visiting hospice nurses. One day towards the end, my father heard my grandmother tell one of the nurses how embarrassed and sorry … Continue reading End of Life Care

Medication Interview

My dad had a stroke 10 years ago, after that he was prescribed lipitor and daily baby aspirin. I asked him what he knew about the medications and why he was taking them. He said aspirin was to prevent more clots and that Lipitor was a beta blocker for his cholesterol (close but not quite). … Continue reading Medication Interview

Week 6: Sedation

While in the MICU this week, I did not have an intubated patient. However, I asked my nurse about the sedation vacation policy at Cottage. A sedation vacation is a period when critical patients who are intubated are given a break from the heavy sedative drugs (such as Versed, Fentanyl, Lorazepam) so the team can … Continue reading Week 6: Sedation

Cardiac Website: Cottage Health Heart and Vascular Center

This is the website of the Cottage Heart and Vascular Center. I found it interesting because it explains (in lay terms) all of the procedures (CABG, PCI, Ablation, etc) performed at our local hospital and what patients should expect. The interactive symptom checker, local cottage heart-hotline, and list of heart attack warning signs are all … Continue reading Cardiac Website: Cottage Health Heart and Vascular Center

Week 2: Meal Check

Yesterday I spent the day entertaining some friends who were visiting for Labor Day weekend. A huge part of showing someone a good time in Santa Barbara, besides seeing the mission and the courthouse, is taking them to all the best restaurants and the local hipster ice cream shop and so on. I try to … Continue reading Week 2: Meal Check

Week 1

My first impressions of this class are very positive. Gaining new computer skills and having a blended course of online and in-class learning is a little scary, but mostly exciting. Usually with online classes my big worry is that I will somehow miss or forget an important deadline or assignment just by accident. However, because … Continue reading Week 1