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Module 5 Readings

There were some very interesting readings yet again this week which connected well and helped to tie everything up. Many of the same subjects appeared again including women, minorities, children, and the poor. Just as in other forms of media, these groups are all just as ignored or misrepresented in the news. The readings also…

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Module 4 Readings

The Terry Dungan videos were very informational. I have had previous experience with some of the information through other classes so it was very interesting to see how connected to media they are. The parts of the series about culture were probably my favorites. I find culture incredibly interesting and have even taken a cultural…

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Module 3 Readings

Yet again, I am very impressed by the articles and videos of this module. They give so much important insight into major issues that must be overcome and their connections to the media and society as a whole. While most all of them had to do mainly with poverty or violence, they all put forth…

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Module 2 Readings

The readings and videos in this module presented a number of very important points having to do with major problems in society. They dealt with topics such as gender, sexuality, race, cyber bullying, and education and the ways in which media can have a great influence on them. Many even went a step further, and…

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Module 1 Reading

As others had mentioned previously, I too had never known very much about media literacy before this class. I had somewhat underestimated it in the beginning. I had no idea just how many complexities and aspects there are to media literacy and just how important and necessary of a skill it is to learn. These…

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Hi Everyone!

Hello, I am Ariel and it is very nice to meet you all! I am joining in a bit late to the class but am very happy to be able to be here! I am a junior at CI and am a Liberal Studies for Teaching and Learning major. I am currently volunteering at Laguna…

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