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As the semester is coming to an end, I have looked back and I have realized that I have learned so much. I learned about many thing I have overlooked or didn’t realize were important when it comes to… Read More

Engaging part 3

This was a continuation of the past two weeks of engaging with respect to LGBT discrimination. This week I did something different and tried contacting people through direct messages on Twitter. I have not yet gotten a response but… Read More

A Little More Lurking

This week I continued to lurk about LGBT on Twitter and Facebook. I went back on the sites and searched the hashtag LGBT again. I realized that I can find more up to date content on Twitter since people… Read More


This week, I turned to lurking on my topic on the social media. Two social media sites I was looking around were Facebook and Twitter. I wanted to see what kind of information or content was put out. This would… Read More

LGBTQ Equality

One of my top, if not my top, social issues is equality for the LGBTQ community. I have chosen to research this topic because its an unnecessary issue. I have witnessed the unfair inequality not only out in… Read More

My digital footprint

I was definitely very anxious to find out what things are out in the internet. When i googled my name, I was pleased to find that there wasn’t too alarming about myself. Although I did find something embarrassing,… Read More

A little bit about me:

Hello everyone. My name is Arthur Bazaldua (my last name is Spanish). I am a transfer student this fall 2015 semester. I moved here from northern California from the beautiful town of Monterey. If you haven’t heard or… Read More