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Earthquake in Nepal

The earthquake that occurred in Nepal this past Saturday, April 25, 2015, impacted this country significantly. This event especially struck home for me, because I have friends who are Nepali refugees; otherwise, I may not even have heard of this … Continue reading

Medication Education

My family is fairly well educated and able to search out the information they need when self-administering. However, there are still typically gaps in knowledge due to a lack of understanding of foundational aspects of pharmacology and pathophysiology. I have … Continue reading

Homework 1

NRS 420 Likes and Dislikes Likes: As I reflect back on how far we’ve come in the nursing program, I am amazed at the growth I have witnessed both in myself and my fellow soon-to-be-nurses! This semester is exciting for me mainly because I look forward to “putting it all together,” and integrating all the … Continue reading Homework 1