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Read as I Wright

I imagine you have heard about the Flint Michigan  water crisis, well the article that I read is from VICE NEWS and looks at how the water supply was poisoned and how the people there were left to drink it. But I didn’t read it just any type of way, I Read like a Writer(RLW). The first […]

First 2016 post

When you thinking of hip hop or Rap what do you think of? Guns? Violence? The Hood? Weed? Well, I imagine that out of all the different words that came to mind homosexuality and/or gay if so we are probably on the same page lol. To most the idea of homosexuality and hip-hop are like fire and water […]

Santa Rosa part 2

While I was at the Santa Rosa Island I learned a lot but two things that I remember are the species on the island are all originate from the main land , also that since the plates are in constant motion, this island has been moving north along the coast. Now what I was able […]

Santa Rosa Part 1

Well hello again, it’s been awhile since the last post and since my last post I have spent my weekend at Channel Island, specificity the Santa Rosa Island. This post is one of three post about my weekend at the Santa Rosa Island and I hope you enjoy not only the writing and the pictures […]

Ronald Reagan

A while back My classmates and I spent the day at the Reagan Library in  Simi Valley to analyze the Museum and the view it has on President Reagan. Well my over is simple that like most stories told by the US it very one sided and is always on the side of what makes […]

A second take at my Original analysis

The documents I choose were a comic scrip as well as a Political Cartoon  both giving a lighter and a less serious sense of the war. The political cartoon depicts a caricature of President Richard Nixon holding up a shield labeled the cause, while five other nights titled; Southern Conservatives, New Media & Intellectuals, New Left […]

Vietnam View

   Over the course of a few days I have been analyzing the letters written to the Senator Harold T. Bizz Johnson (Bizz johnson) by his constituents in regards to the Vietnam War.  The overall sentiment towards the war had turned negative as the number of soldiers  in the world began turning up as POW, MIA, and KIA began to rise and the […]

MyeyesMytruth 2015-09-04 02:13:11

Major, Bishop-Surfer-Reflective Journal My name is Bishop Major I am currently enrolled at CSU channel Island in Ventura county. I have been here a few days now and I’m enjoying myself here. I originally from Sacramento California, and attended High school at Sacramento Charter High school. My major is political Science and I stay in […]

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