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Update 4/18/16

This week was spent working on my final map that will show the growth of the main grove over the course of 76 years and my poster for SAGE research conference. Both of these processes have taken quite a bit of time and I am glad to see the work that is turning out. In … Continue reading Update 4/18/16

Research Update 2/14/16

This week I submitted my methods draft for my research project. This was the first draft of my methods section and it was reviewed by three of my peers in an in class review session. I took some of the critics and comments and integrated them into the revision of my methods section. While I … Continue reading Research Update 2/14/16

Update 2/6/16

This week I focused most of my attention towards the methods section of my paper. In addition I created a map of my study site. Below is a quick excerpt about the study site of my research. Santa Rosa Island (SRI) is located 42 km offshore of Santa Barbara, CA within the Channel Islands National Park and … Continue reading Update 2/6/16

Education Opportunity

Throughout the semester I have been increasing my knowledge of the Torrey pine through my research and first hand experience with my field study. An opportunity has presented itself where I can give back to the local community and take part in a teaching opportunity at R.J Frank Junior High School in Oxnard on December … Continue reading Education Opportunity

Research Update 12/6/15

Research is continuing smoothly. The initial field research is nearing an end on Santa Rosa Island. I have made two 3 daytrips to the island and completed two of the four groves involved with the demography plots completely. I am returning over the break for a week long research trip where I will complete my … Continue reading Research Update 12/6/15

About Author

Research student at California University Channel Islands majoring in Environmental Science and Resource management (ESRM). Conducting research on the Santa Rosa Island Torrey Pine population.

Demography Plots and GIS Analysis of the Island Torrey Pine Outline

 Demography Plots and GIS Analysis of the Island Torrey Pine (Pinus torreyana ssp. Insularis) I will be conducting my capstone on the Torrey Pine, Pinus torreyana. This tree is a rare remnant of the Pleistocene Era. Santa Rosa Island (SRI) is the last remaining location in which this subspecies, Insularis, is located. Through monitoring SRI Torrey … Continue reading Demography Plots and GIS Analysis of the Island Torrey Pine Outline

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