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Survivor and Group Motivation

This chapter is perfectly suited and relative to Survivor as it entails the aspects that create the alliances that decide the fate of the tribal council decisions. Through the different aspects of group motivation, tribe members learn what and how they are motivated and how these concepts will dictate their alliance position and how they…

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Group Leadership in Survivor

After the reality of Josh being voted off of Survivor sinks in, the men’s alliance realize they are in a really tough position. One of their biggest problems is perhaps their leadership issue. Josh may not have been the sole or clear leader of the men’s alliance, but he certainly led the alliance and took…

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Survivor and CH 9

The two alliances continue to grow clearer and stronger as Jeremy and Josh fight for their spot on Survivor. Jeremy is reliant upon John and Jaquelyn to sway the vote in his favor as Josh pleads John, Jaquelyn and Baylor for some insurance. After the reward challenge, Josh makes another move on Baylor to try…

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Survivor and CH 6

The newest episode of Survivor kicks off with the news that the tribes will be merging. As soon as this news reaches the Hunahpu tribe Josh and Reed engage in team talk and demonstrate this in the team talk dimension of identification, planning that “we need to get Jeremy out.” When the two tribes are…

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Listen Up Survivor

Is Jeremy still on the Hunahpu tribe? It definitely doesn’t seem like Jeremy wants to be a part of his tribe at all and would rather be in his own tribe. He is completely disgusted with his tribe’s decision to make a trade in order to gain the rice that they are in desperate need…

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Conflict in Survivor

That was an entertaining episode! I couldn’t stop laughing at Drew the whole time. Unfortunately for him, the “Kingpin’s” ego got in the way of his million dollars and completely came back to bite him. There were multiple conflicts throughout the episode, connecting it perfectly with chapter 8, Conflict and Cohesion in Groups. Affective conflict…

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Survivor Season Opener and Group Development

I was wondering why Jaimie was going to make Survivor such an integral part of this class, but my questions have been answered. This first episode perfectly illustrated some key components to the chapter of Group Development such as Tuckman’s Development Stages, group goals and hidden agendas. Tuckman’s Development Stages are an obvious key element…

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