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Chapter 5 Group Leadership

This episode focuses in on the power dynamics of Jeremy and Josh. Jeremy is the leader we have identified form the beginning, he pushes that persona of himself. Josh is a leader that you feel a certain magnetism too because of his liveliness and wittiness. This is their face off for gaining power and we […]

Decisions…decisions (Chapter 9)

Finally what we have all been waiting for, the Merge of the new Huyopa tribe! This episode of Survivor begins with the tribes arriving back after tribal council, and Keith is noticeably upset that Missy and Baylor betrayed by placing a vote for him. We then watch Julie fracture her alliances as well when she […]

“Tribe Talk” (Ch. 6 Verbal & Nonverbal Communication)

In chapter 6, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Groups we are presented with the ideas that our plural pronouns “announce that the group depends on everyone rather than on a single member”(127). This was very evident in Episode 6 showing the merge, where emotions were on the rise and alliances were being put in line. […]

Listening is harder than you’d think

This week on Survivor we were presented with the connecting the episode to Chapter 7-Listening. Listening is defined as “the ability to understand, analyze, respect, and appropriately respond to the meaning of another person’s spoken and nonverbal messages.” This ability to listen, or lack there-of; was displayed most obviously with contestants Jeremy and Natalia. Jeremy […]

Group Diversity in Blood vs. Water

The competition is heating up as teams have become more devoted to their goals as a tribe. The book says “effective group members develop strategies for interacting with others from diverse backgrounds”(75) and this is what we are watching in this series. We see them resist to make alliances and some succeed, and it is […]

Conflict…it’s bound to happen!

This week on Survivor we were bombarded with some very interesting and unexpected conflict that mainly involved Drew and Kelly, who clearly had the wrong idea of going about his tribe dynamic. Many of these instances coincide with Chapter 8, Conflict and Cohesion in Groups. Drew decided to use very counterproductive conflict styles, even when […]

Group Membership: Chapter 3

Now that the members of Survivor have began to form their alliances and get comfortable, we are able to begin to define their group memberships. Although some are still in limbo and feeling the others out, some are very confident in their roles and let it be known. By using William Schutz’s Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship […]

Group Development in the Wild

Survivor is a show of true adaptation and rule. What I mean by that, is the new environment these contestants are dropped into challenge their abilities to mentally adapt to a new setting and group of people. This group will gradually organize the rule and goal of their tribe. I was able to identify early […]

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