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Brice’s Capstone 2016-02-15 17:06:10

Talks have begun now about the next trips out to Santa Rosa. One trip I’ve confirmed is March 11-13 which I will hopefully be able to complete tree coring. The next trip will be sometime on spring break however those dates are not confirmed. The goal on that trip is to set demography plots within … Continue reading

Data Collection

This trip to Santa Rosa Island over the past week was a very productive trip. I’ve not only figured out a stronger heading to follow with my project but I’ve also finished a large piece of my project when it comes to data collection. Zack and I have finished the census for the Bishop Pines. … Continue reading Data Collection

Upcoming Trip Preparations

Due to the first trip to Santa Rosa being canceled due to the storm that hit California the trip leaving on the 12th has been doubled booked. The research station will be full up but I look forward to the assistance from my research partner Zack and Dulce. 

Research Paper Progress

With the completion of the schedule of my project and the overall outline for the semester progress has begun on the introduction for the paper. Some additional source need to be found in order to iron out some of the rough edges but progress is being made. I expect the paper to be finished sometime … Continue reading Research Paper Progress

New Santa Rosa Updates

Santa Rosa Island research has gone well and progress is being made  though it is slow. Trips being spaced so far apart as well as class and work makes getting out to the island difficult. Over the past several trips somewhere in the range of 600 trees have been counted. Since this post I have … Continue reading New Santa Rosa Updates

Bishop Pine Research

My self, Zack Buckley, and a junior student also interested in this project Dulce Lopez will be working on the foundation for future research on the Bishop Pine Tree. The Bishop Pine is a relic species and a good indicator as to climate change because they are heat intolerant. The rise in global climate change … Continue reading Bishop Pine Research

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