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Hurricane Stan

In October of 2005, Hurricane Stan tore through Central America and Mexico and dropped 20 inches of rain (Thomas, 2007). In the remote communities of the Sierra Madre mountain range of Guatemala, the hurricane’s rain caused catastrophic mudslides that swept entire communities away. In Guatemala alone, Hurricane stan killed over 650 people and directly affected […]

Final Reflection

Sometimes I get overwhelmed and feel like I haven’t learned much, but I know that those moments are when I am overwhelmed by the present and the things that I don’t know and have lost sight of the big picture. When I think about how things were in the first weeks of our first semester, […]

Med Knowledge

I spoke with a number of friends and family about regarding their knowledge of OTC and prescription medication. Most people I know don’t take a regular prescription medication but do use OTC meds occasionally. Of the five I spoke with, most had a reasonable estimate of what each dose and max dose per day should […]

Food Diary

I chose a Saturday to track my eating. I have done projects like this in the past, and I always find it interesting because so much of what I eat has no label and contains many ingredients, making it difficult to track contents exactly. For example, on this day my roommates and I made a […]

Sixth Term!

I am excited to build on the foundations that we have been creating in our last year and a half of studies and learn about caring for more complex patients. I am also looking forward to our clinical rotations and working on different floors with different kinds of patients. I always worry about how overwhelming […]

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