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Casey's Capstone 2015-10-13 16:17:51

AnnotatedBibliography Carter, T.G., Liu, P.L.F., and Mie, C.C., 1973. Mass Transport by waves and offshore sand bed forms. A.S.C.E. Proc., Jour. Waterways and Harbors Div, 99, 165-184. This reference is helpful source of information for the understanding of how currents will affect barrier beach breaching. Finley, R.J., 1979, Ebb-tidal delta morphology and sediment supply in Relation to seasonal wave energy … Continue reading

Santa Clara Recon

“It wouldn’t be called research if we knew what we were doing.” -EinsteinBig thanks to Dr. O’Hirok and Patrick Costa for coming out to help pick spots along the beach that would give the most exciting results for profiling. Learning how to use the GPS was also helpful given the sand is forever moving.


Casey Lysdale is the Environmental Coordinator of the California State University Channel Islands Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. The Surfrider Foundation is an international environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the world’s waves and beaches through conservation, activism, research, and education (CARE). Casey has been working to restore the coast and watershed … Continue reading About

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