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Leaders come in all shapes sizes and colors…

I wanted to specifically talk about what Jaime covered in class on Monday. Leadership is huge when considering thee success of a group, in my opinion. The two most prominent leaders that stand out most are Josh and Jeremy. In these last couple of episodes, since the merger, these two led the alliances that advocated […]

Behavior of the group

So last week I talked about the roles that have developed as the days roll by. This week I want to discuss how nonverbal concepts can be just as important as those verbally said. Chapter six discusses challenges groups can run into, some of the non verbal environments and differences there seem to be among […]

Things are getting heated…

So this week, I think, was very intense. I actually enjoyed the episode; I’ve been disagreeing with a lot of things said or done on the show, however now that we are finished with the second week, I feel there is a better opportunity to come back and revisit what roles and conflicts have been […]


So as a recap, there were many conflicts happening throughout the episode. In the end Kelley was voted out because Dale had an immunity idol. The blue team won the immunity mud challenge and rice was running extremely scarce because people kept eating their supplies even though they weren’t winning challenges and getting more( josh […]

Something Super Exciting !

This week I noticed something specifically with the Hunahpu tribe, wearing blue. I feel like this episode was full of conflict and high pressure, in the end Drew was, thankfully, voted out; a concept called groupthink mentioned in our book that essentially means the group is thinking way too hard about how to solve their […]

Survivor blog 03

As the games go on things definitely get heated as more people are sent off to exile island, like Keith and Josh. It’s surprising to see how Keith is still around even though he’s been sent to the island twice. Which leads me to my first interesting point. It seems that as people begin to […]

Blood V. Water episode 1

Group development played a role when the shows creators were deciding what to do with the show; which was pinning family members and loved ones against each other. I thought this was very interesting because we knows what happens when compatible people come together in a group, tasks are accomplished successfully.  Just to remind you of […]