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Module 5 Review

The key word for this module was influence. As I read the articles, powerpoints, and chapters provided, I tried to make connections with some of the most recent news stories. I was able to establish a few connections between the readings and the current American media, and recognized how much influence news sources have on…

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Module 4 Reflection

  Culture is the learned behavior by individuals of a group or groups (Dugan, 2010).  While contemplating what culture in America is like, I had a hard time finding five defining beliefs, values, or practices that all Americans share. America is a melting pot, and culture here is customized by the individual based on their…

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Module 3 Reflections

Attention is often associated with admiration or desire. We pay attention to people we admire because we desire to be like them. This perfectly explains why we follow supermodels on Instagram and not homeless people.  By that same token, people who are more or less satisfied with the material aspects of their life and have…

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Module 2 Reflections

The inversion of invisibility refers to the modern phenomena in which attention is focused on the people instead of those in power (Tollefson, 2008). The powerful carefully construct messages that represent an idea, and send those messages to the people using media, such as advertising. These messages, while focused on the people, are primarily created…

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Module 1 Reflections

According to Zastrow and Butler (2002), there are three models for media literacy. The protectionist/discrimination model acknowledges that some types of media are more harmful for children than they are beneficial. However, this model is unique because it assumes that with proper education, young children, while impressionable, can be responsible enough to determine what is…

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