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Module 4

The reading for this week’s module instructed us to think about content we experienced in previous modules. I could not help but think about the idea of power being a repeating factor throughout our class. In Sternheimer’s “Connecting Social Problems and Popular Culture,” she mentioned “controlling information about sex has historically been used in order…

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Module 3

I have to say I think I had the hardest time thus far in the class connecting to the reading in this module. Not because the material is less important or less impactful, but it just seemed more difficult for me to relate to and therefore understand. I almost feel guilty for that, the readings…

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Module 2

When learning about the “three models of media literacy” in module one, I believed that we could only be one. This caused some concern because I saw points within each that I could agree with. In the beginning of module two, we were asked to give thought to which model we felt we fit into.…

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Hi everyone! I’m Dani the newest member of group 5. I look forward to getting to know you all virtually!