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First Draft Map

So here is a first look at the invasive plants in my first sampling site. Definitely needs some more work but as you can see there is not too much in terms of the plants that need to be managed.

Data Analysis

I’ve got all my data on ArcGIS and now I just have to clean it up. That means lots of buffering points and lines! So far the data is very heavily leaning toward invasive plants being mostly on trails leading to the campgrounds. There are absolutely no invasives logged up Soledad Canyon Road, where the … Continue reading Data Analysis

An Unexpected Find

While I was out in the field for the week long trip, I was looking through all the plants I came across and I took detailed photos of those plants that I didn’t recognize in order to learn the flora of the island a little more and also properly catalog them if they turned out … Continue reading An Unexpected Find

Point of Entry 3

The final Point of Entry that I will be surveying is the airstrip. This image shows the hardscape (zone 1) and the 20 meter buffer zone around it (zone 2). I wanted to walk along it to see what types of vegetation there was and what the hardscape was like, but that would require advanced … Continue reading Point of Entry 3

Point of Entry 2

For the second point of entry, which was the campsite, I decided to use a different method to catalog the hardscape. This time I decided to create GPS way points at every turn or bend around the perimeter as opposed to having the device continuously recording my steps. I found this method to be a … Continue reading Point of Entry 2

Point of Entry 1

On my last trip out to Santa Rosa Island this semester, I decided to get a good lay of the land and outline the area of my sampling sites. The first one was the Port and Cultural Center area. I spent several hours just walking the perimeter around the area and in between all the … Continue reading Point of Entry 1