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Module 5 Readings

While reading this article I found it interesting the contradiction of the cardinal rule of news media. That it needed to stay politically neutral, only to find out that “The third bias of professional journalism is more subtle but most important: far from being politically neutral, it smuggles in values conducive to the commercial aims…

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Module 4

I like that we are towards the end of the semester because now many of the concepts we have learned are overlapping and connecting.  The videos were a great way to introduce this module and explain the connection between media and popular culture. From the video, I learned that culture is learned through stories and media…

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Module 3 Reflection

I never thought of attention being scarce but comparing it to information I now realize that is the case. I also never considered the existence of an attention economy, which is something I had never heard or thought of before reading this article. The article brings out “The idea of an attention economy is premised on the fact that the human capacity to produce material things outstrips the net capacity to consume the things that are produced‐such are the irrational contingencies of distribution”. This is further explained by Goldhabers six…

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Module 2 Reflection

Something I realized while doing the readings this week is that we tend to accept data or statistics without really ever seeing any.  In reading Chapter 3 of our textbook, I learned that people have this idea that certain rates have increased even though there is no statistical support for those claims. The two main…

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Module 1 Readings

To understand media literacy, we must first understand what media literacy is. According to Jane Tallim, media literacy is “the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us everyday”. This includes using critical thinking skills to question the reasoning behind the media. Media literacy is still very broad,…

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Hello, my name is Dayna Davis. I have grown up in Camarillo, and I was very excited that there was such a nice local college to keep me close to my family. I have a lot of little cousins that I am close to and don’t want to miss watching them grow up. I just…

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