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Genre, How does it fit into AVC Soccer?

    The written medium for discourse communities, usually always conceals a specialized topic, has developing fundamental languages, written communication, and expertise within the community.  Along with these, an important aspect, genre, tends to help match where the category falls into with the written discourse. “Each discipline whether it is English, Psychology, or History has … Continue reading Genre, How does it fit into AVC Soccer?

Genre, how does it fit into AVC Women’s Soccer?

In writing, specialized topics emerge, as in discourse communities in which develop fundamental language, written communication, and is what usually falls into an expertise. Along with these, an important aspect, genre, tends to help match where the category falls into. “Each discipline whether it is English, Psychology, or History has its own key concepts and … Continue reading Genre, how does it fit into AVC Women’s Soccer?

Project 2 Slides

Just click on the link or copy and paste!https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/135zgCfZplePUvHtdtNZPiBMh_n7TiXbo0sHM0BjWjqs/edit#slide=id.g70b88954d_0_47

AVC Women’s Soccer as a Discourse Community

Discourse communities usually have six criteria in which need to be met according to John Swales in “The Concept of Discourse Community,” in which make up the whole of that discourse community. In whole, discourse communities need a goal, communication between the group, written communication, a genre, a vocabulary that fits the discourse, and expertise … Continue reading AVC Women’s Soccer as a Discourse Community

Reading Log 2

  “To borrow a term from the kind of association readers of this book are likely to belong to, an archetypal discourse community tends to be a specific interest group,” (2). I like the definition of specific interest group because it gave me an idea of what Swales would be describing right of the bat. … Continue reading Reading Log 2