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Blog #9

In last class we discussed our thoughts of the Tunnel of Oppression experience. I learned that we all had similar thoughts and feelings about it. It was interesting to hear that a lot of us were deeply impacted by the experience in both positive and negative ways. On the positive note, I personally believe that […]

Blog Post# 8

Last week Julian started class off with a presentation about getting involved on campus. He gave us a list of clubs that might interest us. He also talked about other ways we can get involved on campus like joining a sport team or take advantage of the Recreation Center. I was happy to hear that […]

Blog Post #7

In last class meeting we had our power point presentations on the book A hope in the Unseen. I was looking forward to the presentations all week because I was curious to hear what happened to Cedric at Brown University.I enjoyed some presentations more than others. There were a couple of students with very low […]

Blog Post #6

Last week Julian started off class with a demonstration on how to write a good outline. Writing outlines usually take up a lot of my time but once you have it, it’s a lot easier to write your paper. We had several activities in class last week and they all gave us a glimpse of […]

Blog Post #4

Last week Julian assigned us in small groups. He gave us all a scenario and asked us what we would do in that situation. I thought this activity was interesting because I got to hear what my classmates would do in that particular scenario and we all had similar responses. Then we finally had our […]

Blog #3 African Americans in higher education

Last week Julian told us to write our short term and long term goals. I was not surprised that we all had similar goals. I enjoyed this activity because it reminds me of how far I have gotten and how closer I am to achieving a few of my goals. The last time I had […]

Blog Post #2 Affirmative Action

Last week on Monday  I had my first DIG group meeting. Julian went over some methods to improve our writing skills. We each got a package that includes many writing techniques that will be useful for me when I have to write an essay. Last class session was particularly interesting because everyone in class participated […]

Blog Post #1 Presentation reflections and K-12 System reflections

In the previous class we had to present our “Who Am I?” presentations. We had to select one element of our identity and discuss how it has shaped our life in a day to day basis, our educational journey, future goals and overall our life as a whole. I enjoyed hearing my classmates’ presentations because […]