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How does “place” matter in my discipline?

While watching “Crash” I have realize how place greatly influences our daily lives more than I ever imagined. Listening to my classmates during in class discussions about their own experiences in their communities lead me to realize how my community has played an important factor in my life. Reading the articles “Integrated model of primary … Continue reading How does “place” matter in my discipline?

Internship Letter

February 17, 2016 Stuart Mann, OD 1131 W. Sixth Street Suite 150 Ontario CA 91762 Dear Stuart Mann, OD I’m Elizabeth Hernandez and I would like to attend your summer internship. I am currently a student at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo. Currently I am undeclared first year student although I am looking … Continue reading Internship Letter

RLW Reading

RLW reading is reading but not to understand the content of what you are reading but understand the structure of the piece to better understand why the author put these pieces together. It is also asking helpful questions about the work you are reading to view the authors reasoning of why the things he/she said … Continue reading RLW Reading


Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis by Laura Bolin Carroll demonstrates the different ways in which rhetoric can be used. Rhetoric is choosing a specific type of language to persuade an audience. I use to believe an add was just a way for people to try and sell a product. Now I know there … Continue reading Rhetoric

My blog 2015-11-02 01:21:40

I had the opportunity to see Santa Rosa Island from different perspectives. Three different faculty members taught me how they do there research on the island as well as why it’s important. What caught my attention was the fact that these three different researchers were able to do there different research on the same island. … Continue reading

Civil Rights Letter

When it comes to civil rights you would think people would want what is best for everyone. Although according to Mr. & Mrs. Del Halone from Chico California wrote a letter to congressman Johnson in August 28, 1963. Stating that they believe everyone deserves to be free yet not everyone is equal. Their letter seems … Continue reading Civil Rights Letter

60’s Courage Revolution

“Strike,Strike,Strike” as I recall the documentary “THE SIXTIES: THE YEARS THAT SHAPED A GENERATION” the word strike fits perfect. Not only does the word remind me of the documentary but it fits perfect to describe the voices I read in every 1971 Vietnam War letter I read. Even if people were not directly shouting the … Continue reading 60’s Courage Revolution