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Blog #8

Last week we went over gender inequality. We talked about the different challenges that women, homosexual and transgender groups face in a day to day scenario. The class also discussed the chick-fil-a controversy about selling food at Ventura High School. Julian also gave us a presentation about the opportunities that CI provides for students such […]

Blog 7

Last class we did our presentations on “A Hope in the Unseen”. The class was divided into groups and we were all given certain sections to read and review to present to our classmates. I found it easy to relate to Cedric’s life because I have also experienced similar situations. The struggles to finish school […]

Blog #5

Last week we were given a presentation about outlines. Julian went over the basic steps on creating an outline and even showed an example using someone’s topic idea. I think it was a good reminder of how to format our essays. The thing that I found useful were the pointers we were given on how […]

Blog 6

Last week’s class began with a presentation about APA format. Julian gave us examples of how to cite the sources of an APA paper. I found very helpful because I have been wondering if there were any major changes in the new APA book. Now that I have looked over the requirements I hope I […]

Blog 3-

Last week’s class was very active. We started off by writing a letter to our future selves. In this letter e had to describe what our goals were for our future. We had to write short term, mid-term and long term. When we all came back to share our goals as a class, we all […]

Elizabeth -2nd Blog

Last week we reviewed the readings about white privilege. One of the articles was a bit difficult to read because I did not grow up experiencing white privilege. What I liked about these articles though is that there are many people who are trying to propose a solution to the social problem on ethnic discrimination. […]

Week 4 readings

Last week we were asked to make a presentation about the introductory paper we wrote about our identities. They were all awesome! I liked how everyone was able to share a little about our lives to each other. I realized that even if we all have our own identities, we still share the essence of […]