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Why Place Matters in My Discipline

Place is defined as “a portion of space available or designated for or being used by someone. Now, that of course is one of many definitions but, some believe there is more to the meaning. For years now the concept of placement has been utilized as a form of generalizing an area in order to receive data/outputs from said area.… Read more →

Well Known Difficulties

Immediately after I read author E. Shelley Reid’s article, “Ten Ways To Think About Writing:Metaphoric Musings for College Writing Students” I analyzed the various difficulties I must over come in order to write a substantial piece of work. I came to the conclusion that just like myself, many other authors face not only similar issues but identical ones as well.… Read more →

Appropriate Genre: Application Letter

Travel around the world, and one will come to terms with the idea that you must address specific people in different ways. Walking up to your boss and addressing him/her in the same manner you address your closest friends is simply unacceptable. To approach your parents in the same style you approach your siblings would probably end in a scolding.… Read more →

In The Eyes of a Writer

I never gave much thought to why a writer publishes a piece of their work. Simply to entertain readers with their fascinating tales and wild imaginations. Perhaps To release the emotions they endure that others may not understand. It may even be to live vicariously through their characters in an alternate universe. Whatever the case may be, they equally have… Read more →

Breaking Down Political Media (the rhetoric point of view)

Just recently I came across various articles in which the media promoted every Presidential candidate and explained the actions they took to win over certain states. After carefully analyzing each article I came to the realization that most everyone comes to, none of the candidates are perfect, but one is definitely better than the rest. […]

Santa Rosa Through Different Eyes

Santa Rosa Island differs throughout different minds. One thing is for sure, the island brings peace to ones mind and happiness to the soul. I had the wonderful opportunity to understand and envision the island through the eyes of four different professionals. Each perspective different from the other, yet slightly the same. The fact of […]

We Are All Connected

Over and over we hear this concept of a circle of life, whether it be the food chain, the water cycle, or even theories such as reincarnation. We learn that no matter what and no matter how, we are all connected to each other and other things. The Santa Rosa writing retreat definitely proved that […]

Ronald Reagan: Just a Normal Human Being

   The Ronald Reagan Library opened my eyes to the world of not only the President but a normal human being as well. The exhibits were all so well put together and the one up at the top is the Presidential plane. This was such an interesting exhibit. I was able to walk through a […]

Civil Rights: Government or people?

                  The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality, what does that mean to us? It should mean everything. The Civil Rights were created in the place of discrimination against blacks. They earned their rights to personal liberty. Many U.S. citizens seemed to be […]