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I have finished collecting data in my common garden. I found that there is more growth in the mainland population compared to the island population. Now, I am working on my poster, paper, and statistics.  

Capstone Overall Update

This past week, I have been editing and working on my capstone paper. I am going to work on my statistical data and my poster board during this week to be prepared for the SAGE conference coming up. Common Garden Update: My few saplings that have sprouted are still growing strong!

Common Garden Update

The common garden has shown no growth yet. This past weekend, I went to Owens Valley for my Water Resource Management class, so I had my friend Melinda water the plants and she found no growth. I am hoping to see some growth by the end of this week.

Trip to SRI Update!

Last week, I was packed and ready to leave for Santa Rosa Island (SRI). In the rain, a group of us waited on the dock to leave. We were unable to depart from the dock, due to weather conditions. As a part of the trip, each of us would take turns cooking dinner each night. I cooked stew for 21 people… Since, … Continue reading Trip to SRI Update!

Alternative Choices

I still have not heard back from Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve about my permits. I am currently trying to figure out alternative methods to conduct this experiment, if I do not recieve a collecting permit for that particular site. I am looking forward to returning to the lovely Santa Rosa Island in a week.  


A part of my capstone involves conducting a common garden experiment on germinating Torrey pine seeds in different environmental settings. I will be testing the effects of leaf litter and precipitation on the Torrey pines population seedling survival and germination rate. I have learned this week that there will be room in the CSU Channel Islands greenhouse