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Reagan Library

When I visited Ronald Reagan Presidency Library this past Friday, it gave me a great understanding of who President Reagan was. I know President Reagan was a president but I never actually took time to learn about him. The whole aspect of the museum is to give a good expression of who Reagan was. In … Continue reading Reagan Library

Vietnam War

At the beginning, when we were informed that the class would be looking at letters from the 60’s, I wasn’t really interested. I thought to myself that it was just the beginning of something so dull and boring. I didn.t know it was going to be about the Vietnam War. I had little knowledge of … Continue reading Vietnam War

A Mother’s Despair

As my freshman year began, my professors at CSU Channel Islands gave me the honor to read some letters citizens sent to congressmen either for or against the Vietnam War. Some letters were of people agreeing to continue the war while others were of families pleading that they wanted their family members back. Among the … Continue reading A Mother’s Despair

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