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Ethics in Leadership

Post a link to a current event involving unethical or ethical leadership. What would take for more people to engage in the ethical actions presented? What actions are needed to change the unethical behavior into ethical behavior? http://www.infoplease.com/news/2014/nfl.html The commissioner of the NFL, Roger Goodell, has been accused of lying to the public about specifics […]

Dealing with Conflict

I took the online assessment for handling conflict and the results showed that my conflict style is compromising. Write an analysis of how your dominant and less dominant conflict styles affect your leadership abilities and outcomes. How might using a different conflict style improve the outcomes? Provide specific examples to support your argument. I was […]

“the negotiator”

This is not only an example of an out group situation but it also portrays the psychological social loafing theory as well which states that individuals in groups tend to not work as hard because they expect others to pick up their share of the work. In this case, Cartman has differences in how he […]

Blog Post #7 – we are one

Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire on page 190 of the text, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization? I was pleased with my results from the questionnaire. I received a 54 which resides in the high range meaning that I try to […]

Blog Post: sweet success

I am choosing to analyze the Coca Cola company’s vision statement. Our Vision Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth. People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired […]

Blog Post: A Better Future

Personal vision statement: I want to become a respected and successful police office. I want to use my platform to benefit and influence other people. I also would like to achieve self actualization and become the best person that I can become. I want to have many meaningful relationships in my life. Ideally, I would like […]

Blog Post #5 – Tasks and Relationships

As you reflect on what has been discussed in this chapter and your own leadership style, how would you describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations? What are your strengths and areas you can improve? Between tasks orientation and relationship orientation leadership styles, I personally tend to be more task focused. […]

Blog Post #4 – Assumptions and Styles

As you reflect on the assumptions of Theory X and Y, how would you describe your own philosophy of leadership? My philosophy of leadership lands in-between the X and Y spectrum of leadership. I am extremely goal oriented and I make sure to accomplish my tasks, responsibilities and goals. In leadership positions I am the […]