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Total hip arthroplasty fun facts!

aka total hip replacement- replacement of a severely damaged hip with an artificial joint. indications: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, femoral neck fracture (hip fracture) complications are associated with dislocation of the hip prothesis, excessive wound drainage, VTE, infection, heel pressure ulcers long-term complications: formation of the bone in the periprosthetic space, avascular necrosis, & loosening of […]

Renal GU Drug Review: Epogen!

Who uses it? patients with anemia associated with CKD, patients undergoing chemotherapy What? stimulates the production of RBCs by the kidneys Class? anti-anemic, erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) When? three times a week why (reason)? stimulates erythropoiesis (RBC production) how it is administered?subQ, IV; adults 50-100units/kg three times weekly; don’t dose more than 4 times a week side […]

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