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Blood vs. Water Episode 9: Captain Crunched….

On Episode of Survivor Jeremy gets backfired for his vote against John’s vote. Instead he gets voted out which was quite a interesting because Jeremy was redeemed Leader of the group. And since the Jeremy is out it is now couples game. On chapter 2. It is of group development. Each member of the tribes […]

Blood Vs. Water Episode 8: Wrinkles and folds.

Episode 8 and Chapter 5. Leadership, power, control and of trust. In episode 8 Coyopa, The Yellow faction for this episode wins immunity. Since the paring was Jeremy on one end and Josh  on the other end. When the Jersey’s team won it threw yet another curve ball at Josh because Josh wants to control […]

Blood Vs. Water episode 7: The Game Changer!

So Chapter 9 says creative problem solving. The issue with this chapter and the episode I see is the fact that there was not really creativity. The emotions of each tribe members, grudge between Josh and Jeremy kept this issue a long extended war. In the episode the tribe merged. It was now as they […]

Blood vs. Water Episode 6: Loyalty vs Royalty.

First the chapter. Chapter 6 is about Nonverbal and verbal communication. Simply stated it about how you communicate either by words or body language. Hunapu wins again and again and Coyopa is dying out. And the most twisted thing about that losing team is how they are “teaming” up with certain people. Missy and Baylor […]

Blood Vs. Water Episode 5

The horror! The woe. If we are to speak of chapter 7 with this episode this is a terror I knew was going to happen. First of on Blood vs. water the teams are split again this time some reuniting with their loved ones the rest are singled out. but thats the mental control. A […]

Blood vs. Water Episode 4

Here we are again. Another good day , fresh breeze of the ocean and wait what on earth just happened? The winning team just go their winning streak taken because one big shot, loud mouth thinks he is the leader and thinks there is a “snake” within the group so he wants to blame it […]

Blood vs. Water Episode 3

“Chopping Block” it is a very grim beginning for an episode. I foretold that someone in the orange tribe was going to be voted out. As i watched tons of skeptical issues showed up for the orange tribe. And at last the one person who was caring less for the image he has brought to […]

Blood Vs. Water Episode 2

In this Survivor episode we see cooperation within groups rising for the Adults or the Blue team while the Yellow team with the teens and few adults are breaking. The method used in the teen is teen mentality. Use your head on who was the worst by standard and vote them out. Adults are doing […]