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Survivor Blog #8

The tribe is split into two factions where one faction is being led by Jeremy and the other by Josh. There is a lot of non verbal communication being thrown around by the aggressive feelings from the two factions that have been formed. In the last episode there was a plan put into place by…

Survivor Blog #7

At the beginning of the episode the Yellow tribe decided to go over what happened at the last tribal meeting and inform Keith as they felt bad and felt like they had the responsibility to inform him. To clarify what happened, at the last tribal meeting the Yellow tribe decided to vote Dale off but…

Survivor Blog #6

In this episode of survivor it seemed to be center around trust within the tribes. To start off in the yellow tribe at the beginning of the episode Dales daughter was voted off in the previous episode and now he is worried that he will be next. Over in the blue tribe, they are continuing…

Survivor Blog #5

In this episode of Survivor a lot happened. To start the blue tribe had their first tribal meeting where they kicked John from the group. This was very ironic in this case because John was the one in the first place to force his tribe into having a tribal meeting by throwing off the previous…

Survivor Blog #4

In this episode of Survivor their seems to be tensions rising within the tribes, especially in the blue tribe. In the beginning of the episode the tribe members of the blue tribe were becoming extremely annoyed with Drew. The tribe found the old flint in the beginning of the episode and this opened up wounds…

Survivor Blog #3

In this episode of survivor their seamed to be a lot of conflict going on within the groups and between groups, I feel like the majority of the episode focused around the conflicts with the groups. In the beginning of the episode Baylor mentioned how she felt betrayed by Josh. This is because in an…

Survivor #2

In this episode of Survivor the teams are more aquatinted with one another as they have adapted to their new life and the people they have to work with and count on to further on. In the episode one of the members of the blue team lost the flint and this made the person who…

Survivor Blog #1

In the first episode of survivor for this season the show is based on couples being spit from each other into opposing groups. The teams are going to compete against each other to dominate. In the first challenge Jeremy competes against his wife in the first challenge. It was very hard for him and was…

Survivor #1

In the first episode of “Survivor” there are two groups, to make it simple I am going to label the groups “group orange” and “group Yellow” as in the episode the group members for bother groups had these assigned colors. When both groups first arrived on the island the two groups were very different in…