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In this episode of Survivor,  things took somewhat of a surprising turn when Jeremy was voted out. I felt like Jeremy was one the strongest teammates on the show in addition to being the most trustworthy.  Jeremy was on the winning team for the first challenge and actually gave up his winnings to Jacqueline as […]

Survivor #7

This episode of Survivor didn’t contain a lot of dramatics in terms of different people earning victories and getting the right to remain on the show. I may be wrong but haven’t they always had at least two competitions on each episode?? Maybe that has changed since the merge. Anyway, all the dramatics seemed to […]

Survivor 6

In this episode of Survivor, things start to spice up. The merge took place which basically means that the two teams have integrated and there is no longer such thing as Hunahpu and Coyopa; instead it’s hyopa. Every member is essentially for themselves although, if you have a loved one still remaining on the show, […]

Survivor V

This episode of Survivor seemed to be fairly uneventful specifically in terms of how the chapter relates to it, but there was something minor that caught my eye since we have to make the correlation.  The show has been essentially one-sided since it began as the Hunahpa tribe continues its dominance over the Coyora tribe. […]

Survivor the 4th

In this edition of Survivor, many things change. Literally, the teams have all switched up and intertwined amongst the two group from prior. Now the Coyora tribe consists of three pairs that are “loved ones” and one considered single because his son (game partner) is now on the Hunahpu team. The Hunahpu tribe only has […]

Survivor III

On this episode of Survivor, we finally have a momentum swing. The Coyora tribe got their first, hard earned victory against the Hunahpu tribe sending us to uncharted territory. We get to see how the Hunahpu tribe handles adversity from their first loss as conflict in the group begins to emerge. Conflict is described in […]

Survivor II

In this episode of Survivor, Chapter 3 is quite evident in many cases. William Schutz, a psychologist who studied and focused on group members interpersonal needs within that group. Schutz developed a Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation Theory (FIRO) that explains needs we share when in a group. The first need is the need for inclusion. […]

First ‘Survivor’ Experience

In my first time ever watching an episode of Survivor, I saw that Chapter 2 applied in many different ways. The chapter, Group Development, played a vital role in the start of this year’s new tribes in that they have to go through the natural progression of forming groups. Forming, which is the first stage […]