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First lesson

Well this Friday I did my first lesson of Unit 3. What I thought about was why long-term research is done and why it is so important as well as talked about how the protocol for looking at mole/sand crabs will be going. It went very well. The second class went better than the first … Continue reading First lesson

About the project

One thing that I just realized is that I haven’t explained what my capstone project is. I am sure that I gave out a link or two so those people will know what I am posting about but what about people stumble on this by accident. So here is the run down on my project. … Continue reading About the project


On Wednesday Erika, Cause Chris and I had a very good meeting with our contacts in the LiMPETS program whose names are Jessie Altstatt and Julie Bursek. It was a really good and productive meeting. Since they have been working on a number of changes on the program. The changes as far as I can … Continue reading Meeting

Getting Started

Just starting to sort of look at the best way to teach my high school kids about the environment. I never really realized how many different ways people can teach. It’s a little insane. It all just depends on what you are teaching, what kind best suits you and which one reaches the majority of the … Continue reading Getting Started

This week

Yesterday (12/05/15) I went to FJ Middle School and I listened to their presentations. They had the same information and the same groups as the high school but to recap the groups were endangered species, macroinverts, water chemistry, surface water runoff and invasive species. The middle schoolers are for sure more into this program that … Continue reading This week

Last week

Last week I went to Channel Islands High School to listen to them give mini presentations in groups. Each group presented on one of the following, an endangered species, surface runoff, water chemistry, macroinvertebrates or invasive species. All of these had specific examples that were related to the Santa Clarita watershed. In the course of a … Continue reading Last week


So far everything is going well. The high school students don’t appear to be that interested in all of this. I am very much hoping that this will change as the year continues on. Most of the students seem to be nice enough and I hope that it will be fun for them to learn … Continue reading Update