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This episode directly tied back into chapter six from the fifth edition of the text in regards to rewards. Natalie and Jeremy gave both Jon and Jacquelyn their reward from winning a challenge as a thank you for sticking to…

Episode 7

Chapter 10 is probably the best chapter to use to compare to Survivor because the entire series is conflict in groups. The main one this episode is the million-dollar decision is made by Julie. This was a conflict within herself,…

Episode 5

This week I think that chapter eight applied really well to the episode. There was a lot of conflict starting from the very beginning when Jeremy realized that Jon would be trying to make his amends before continuing on in…

Episode 4

The theme that I saw was most prevalent in this week’s episode was conflict. Every episode focuses on how the teams are competing, but this week we saw some real conflict in the Hunapu starting with Drew trying to be…

Episode 3

Tension really grew this week when the two teams met up and Jeremy realized that Val had been voted off and sent home even though he had created an alliance with John who was supposed to be protecting his wife…

Episode 2

Episode two of Blood vs. Water is the first time that we see the tribes begin to create personal bonds within their tribes and group membership can be observed. Member roles started to appear in both tribes. On the blue…