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blog post #10

#1. From a scale of one to five I would give myself a five since I always did my blogs and finished them and submitted them on time. #2. I would also give myself a 5 for number 2 since I was sure to post at least one comment of some kind of feedback on […]

blog #7 chapter 9

In this episode of survivor “Wrinkle in the Plan” The contestants are becoming more and more aware with who the alliances are and tension within the group is rising.  This episode contained a lot of important decisions making within the alliances since people had decide on whether they were going to side with the couples […]

post #6 million dollar decision chapter 6

On this episode of Survivor the members of both tribes have been merged together to create tribe Huyopa and the tribe’s dynamics have been changed yet again. With the tribes being merged together brought a lot of tension to the competitors because its a race to see who can get the most people to be […]

blog post #5 chapter 7

In the episode “Make Some Magic Happen” it starts with the contestants being shocked that Kelly was the one who was last voted of the island. So since Kelly was voted out it changed the dynamic of the tribe. Dale was obviously upset that his tribe “slaughtered” his daughter and I wasn’t surprised that it […]

Episode 4 post #3

In episode four “Were a hot mess”  for once I felt like the show has taken more of a  focus on tribe Hanaphu with things finally starting to go south for them. The show starts off right away with Hanaphu finding the flint that they lost and  having conflicts over if they should try to […]

blog post #2 actions vs accusations

In the third episode actions vs. accusations the show started off with both teams arguing and showing who were the possible targets for the episode but I felt like this episode focused more on the Coyopa tribe. Right away I thought that the control need was shown with John and Baylor because both were trying […]

Survivor #2 Method to this Madness

In the second episode of survivor It seemed to me that the dynamics of both teams were very different. With Hunahpu still on an undefeated winning streak and Coyopa not advancing in the competition Coyopa’s members were very frustrated with always worrying about whose going to be the next one to get voted off the island. In […]

Survivor entry #1 suck it up and survive

        The first episode of survivor took place at San Juan Del Sur and immediately the contestants were placed into two groups blood vs. water. The first challenge  was with the couple Jeremy Collins and Val Collins and although both are in highly trained professions Jeremy comes out victorious in the end. After […]