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The Sunny City

The way I seen the world as an adolescent was, the influential depiction of Football. This image of being an athlete has always in my head, constantly reminding me, that one day I would be able to participate and practice with my friends. Being smaller than the rest of the kids in my grade school … Continue reading The Sunny City

How to Read Like a Writer

As I struggled to read in this environment, I began to realize that the way I was reading—one word at a time—was exactly the same way that the author had written the text. I realized writing is a word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence process.(Mike Bunn 72). For at times this quote emulated my experiences as a writer, trying … Continue reading How to Read Like a Writer

Socks or Sandals

My first day of class, seemed like the serial moment mentioned in the first paragraph of the article “Backpacks VS. Briefcases: toward Rhetorical Analysis” This reference in the book shows an illustration of assumptions and predetermination as a tool to persuade or appeal to a specific  target audience.Throughout the article, the author mentioned the importance … Continue reading Socks or Sandals

Santa Rosa Island

My first impression of Santa Rosa island, was that the island wasn’t habitable nor  capable to sustain life for large animals, because of the lack in vegetation on the hill side. in my mind I could see Santa Rosa island as an island in which  research could take place, in regards to analysis of rocks, indigenes plants and settlement  with in … Continue reading Santa Rosa Island

the Reagan affect

Ronald Reagan was the   president of the United States. His term lasted  eight years, throughout his presidency he was faced with a lot of obstacles. Ronald Reagan was elected in  1981 at the end of the cold war . Throughout those years America and Russia didn’t really see eye to eye. within  my adventure through the Reagan library I have embarked … Continue reading the Reagan affect

What is equality?

Through out the class period today My associates and I, have had a great opportunity to embark on new information regarding the civil rights movement. the letters that we were investigating were initially written to Congressman Bizz Johnson. The letter that I personally annualized was a document that stressed their views to former congressman Johnson, … Continue reading What is equality?

A Fight for Democracy

The Vietnam War occurred in present-day Vietnam, Southeast Asia. It represented a successful attempt on the part of the Democra Vietnam had been split into two, with a communist government in the north under Ho Chi Minh and a democratic government in the south under Ngo Dinh Diem. throughout this week at ci I have … Continue reading A Fight for Democracy

New and significant information

    Over the course of these few past week is have, been investigation  the personal letters of Senator Harlod Bizz Johnson. The importance that these journals bring  are very significant, and shows the mind set of the average every day citizen felt towards the war efforts in the early 70’s late 60 ‘s of the  cold war. Through out the cold war many  politician … Continue reading New and significant information

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