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Your lovers betrayed you kid,

Everyone is betrayed! After last week we are really beginning to see what happens when there is a lack of leadership and genuine communication. Like a bad relationship, Survivor is beginning to become a terrible thing. When Jeremy got voted off it changes the entire dynamic of the island. There is a lack of trust […]

Strong Armed

This episode added an expected twist to the season, because one of the most influential characters on the show was given the good old fashioned boot. JEremy was a strong character that showed many of the signs of leadership that we discuss in the chapter. While after our class discussion i realize that we do […]

Not all that glitters…

The time of the week came again when I put on a smooth jazz record, concoct an extra stiff manhattan, slip on a slightly revealing bedtime robe, and write about survivor. But that is neither here nor there, what is important  is the newest episode and the changes that have occurred with the newest merge. […]


Hello babyboys and babygirls, I tell you what, this week brought an interesting mix to the island. It is my first time watching the survivor show and i was wondering how the dynamic would change as time went on. I do not know the process or the formula, but i did figure that all these […]

Listen to Survive

I am finally beginning to enjoy the idea of reality TV and why Americans enjoy watching real people do real things. Next stop is watching the Kardashians show, well as soon is there is enough time. Thanks Group Comm! All jokes aside, The more i learn about group communication and the more survivor i watch, […]

Three Strikes

As a first time viewer of survivor, or reality TV in general. I am just beginning to understand how the game works and why it can be entertaining. The first thing that struck me about the episode was Dale ( i believe that is his name) discussing his position within his group and evaluating his […]

Survivor: A Second Look

The story continues to be as dramatic as can be considering we have a group of people on a island being followed around by a camera crew. We find out that for the first time someone has been kicked off the show, and it is one of the twin sisters. It is an interesting thing […]