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The Definition of Place

Place has different definitions, not everyone can define place as one specific location. Some people may see place as a specific location, others may see place as their surroundings. Personally I believe place doesn’t just include your location but your surroundings, the people you’re with are a big part of my definition of place. Since […]

Simple Mistakes

As writers we have all come across difficulties in how we write. One thing that always makes writing difficult for me is the specific set of rules I have to follow. There are times where if I am passionate about what I’m writing about I’ll get lost in getting my point across that I’ll be […]

Make Living More Enjoyable

I have composed a mock complaint letter, concerning our residence in Santa Cruz. Living in Santa Cruz wasn’t a bad experience there was just small things that can be easily fixed that would’ve made living in Santa Cruz more accommodating. California State University Channel Islands is an eco-friendly university and believes in helping the environment […]

The Secret Behind Words

We all know that there’s always improvement in our writing, but we’ve never really used writer’s example. When we read it’s for our own pleasure, to get lost in a world completely different to our own. Other people read because they’re designated to read a certain book for class not because they want to read. […]

The Power of Words

We have all heard the phrase “Actions speak louder than words” but sometimes words are more powerful. If you know the right things to say, sometimes there’s no need for any action to take place just by the simple flow of the words its good enough. In the text “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” it explains about how … Continue reading The Power of Words

Ronald Reagan Muesum

On Friday September 25th our University 198 class went to the Ronal Reagan Muesum/Library. Though we had been planning to go the week before there was a presidential debate happening that week so we ahd to reschedule which in the end worked out really well, since when we went there wasn’t that many people as … Continue reading Ronald Reagan Muesum

Civil Rights

There were many Americans who reacted to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in a positive way, after he died many people believed that his death shouldn’t be in vain.             They felt that the only way to accomplish that was to support what he deeply believed in. What … Continue reading Civil Rights

Reflection Essay

My opinion about the Vietnamese War has always been against it. I’ve always thought that war was meaningless and the Vietnamese war was no exception. The idea of sending thousands of people to fight, and to die is worthless and the fact that they put so much meaning into it is really frustrating to me. … Continue reading Reflection Essay