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Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you all a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you are able to take a little break from your studies to enjoy your family and friends. I will be available throughout the weekend via email if you have any questions before next Wedn…

What is Open? Affordability, OER, and Open Pedagogy

Aligning with openCI efforts, we recently attended the openEd conference in Richmond, Virginia to gain a deeper understanding about the advances and innovative practices being made around Open Educational Resources. According to UNESCO, “Open Educational Resources are educational materials in the public domain or introduced with a public license” (UNESCO, 2012). To help clarify the […]

IV Article

I know you are practicing IV push medications in simulation, but not in the clinical setting. However, you may witness nurses practicing in the clinical setting and have opportunities to learn from those experiences. Today I found this article, Evidence based safe practice guidelines for IV push medications by Ann Shatsay, speaking to current issues, practice […]

Moving forward!

We will spend the first 15 minutes or so on the exam tomorrow but then we are moving forward to Unit Two. This content covers the next two weeks with an exam planned on October 12. Read up, rest up, and don’t be late!

Class and Updates

Please watch the CI Keys support site videos and/or the Lynda.com videos. I have linked the CI Keys support site videos to the basics for wordpress, but there are a number of great “How to” videos already made for you to follow along with that will easily prepare you for what you need for this […]

Demystifying Digital Badges

When you think of earning a badge what comes to mind? Sheriffs in the Wild West with a gold star, police officer badges, or maybe even Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts? These type of badges may identify what role you have, your skill set, what achievements you have earned, or perhaps even values you commit […]

My Wonderful Journey

WE FINALLY MADE IT!! Cohort 2016 🙂 First and fore most I would like to thank Dr. Jensen, Jaime, and all of our nursing faculty that has taught us all that we know and have created a group of amazing patient advocates.  Because of them we are going into the healthcare field and making a … Continue reading My Wonderful Journey

End of Life Care

End of life care is an essential part of our roles as health care professionals especially when working in any acute care setting where the patient population is of high acuity.  I have learned a lot about my own beliefs in end of life situations throughout my clinical experience.  The hospital is a very intimidating … Continue reading End of Life Care

7 Strategies for a Successful Online Summer Session

Co-Authored by Michelle Dean, Assistant Professor, Special Education and Jaime Hannans, Assistant Professor, Nursing Summer is almost here … Who’s teaching summer school? Summer session in 5 weeks – no problem. From the student perspective what better choice is there than to get some required courses out of the way over in 4-6 weeks instead […]