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End of Life Decisions

After working several years for a home health and hospice agency, I have cared for several hospice patients and have developed a deep appreciation for hospice. Ideally, I would want to go experience end of life in the comfort of my own home with hospice services. Realistically, however, death can occur in many forms and … Continue reading End of Life Decisions

Copyright basics

We are not always as conscientious about copyright laws as we should be. Do you understand copyright? What about the photos you post? What about the presentations you put together? As you prepare your presentations, and continue to blog, I wanted to be sure you are informed and are aware of creative commons. CI Teaching…

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End of life

I grew up in a very traditional Mexican family having a difficult time acculturating to the American values and lifestyle. In America, it seems almost customary to have a living willor an advanced directive completed before a loved one is at their life’s end, however in Mexico, this is not necessarily the case. The family … Continue reading End of life

End of Life Care

Before nursing school I never considered the death of my parents, a loved one, or even myself. Three years removed from that, I am now a lot more knowledgeable on the subject and have a new perspective on the issue. My wishes regarding end of life are as follows: I wish to donate all viable … Continue reading End of Life Care

Death and Dying

I tend to think about end of life care frequently because of the exposure that I receive when I volunteer at Our Community House of Hope. While I am taking care of the patients on hospice there I can’t help but think how lucky the are to be in such a loving environment when so … Continue reading Death and Dying

It’s almost time

About 5 or 6 weeks from now you won’t believe you are done. You will be surprised how fast the time has gone and reflect upon the last three years. Hang on to the last few weeks of classes, soak up everything you can, and look to the future. The countdown is on …

Spring Break

This is an exciting time with spring break a day away and graduation around the corner. Please be safe and enjoy the time off with family and friends. Reflect upon how far you have come and what else you would like to achieve in these next few weeks to months. Look to the road ahead,…

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Medication Knowledge

It was interesting to find out how much my family and friends knew about their medications. Many of the responses I received entailed that they knew what the medications was for and when to take their medications. One of my friends knew that medications, the purpose and time to take the medication, but was unaware […]