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Week 4 Homework

I found an article published in January that reported on a study linking psychosocial well-being to cardiovascular health: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287802.php The study looked at the cardiovascular health of a large group of people. There was an initial study done when the group was in their childhood, and another 27 years later. The first study assessed their psychosocial […]

Heart in a box

“Heart in a box” is a portable heart perfusion system. It is still being tested through clinical trials in the US but is already being used in parts of Europe and Australia (Suchetka, 2011). Instead of putting the heart to…

Hello Hemodynamics…

Hemodynamics seems really complicated with the lines, connections, wires, transducers, and optical cables. However, remember you usually do some level of hemodynamic monitoring on all patients when you evaluate vital signs, urine output, and hydration status. This month is dedicated to cardiac health and as you can see I have updated our banner and colors…

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Sugaah Overload! Group Project Guidelines!

Group number 3: Jennifer Haldeman, Arely Rosales, Eugenie Fasulo Group name: Sugaah Overload! Member strengths, limitations and values: Limitations – timing and scheduling Strengths- Were all good teamworkers! Were all positive people!! Yayy! Values- We value trust, respect, and hard…

The Fluid Resuscitators Group Rules

Group #7 • Group Name: Fluid Resuscitators • Group Members: Maria Magaña, Robert (Bobby) Martinez, Emily Sentianin • Why group name was chosen: We chose to study sepsis for our group project and fluid resuscitation is a very important concept in sepsis management. • Meeting times and locations for duration of semester: Meeting times 1100 […]

NRS 420 Group Communication Homework

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen: Group 1 consists of:  Brittany Brown, Marylou Fulton, Julia Greiner, Alissa Pang Team Name: “The Fiery Synapses” We chose this team name because we are the means by which the information and knowledge on the chapters for The… Read more »

Group Rules

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen: Group 11 (Nikki, Carl, Janine) COPD – we chose this name because it is the disease we chose to highlight in our project Group Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester: Jan. 28 – Broome […]

Group Guidelines

Cesar: -Strengths: organization, time management, has significant interest in topic (renal), consistently meets deadlines -Weaknesses: group projects, busy schedule, lack creativeness in composing computer presentations. -Values: appreciates equal workload, timeliness, quality over quantity -Strategies for successful team functioning: setting deadlines, appreciating each other’s unique talents and perspectives, communication (especially if things do not go well), … Continue reading Group Guidelines