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Natural Disaster

Oklahoma and Texas Flooding During the month of May this past year in 2015, large parts of central and southern plain states faced deadly flash flooding and tornadoes.  At least 31 people were killed in storms.  The rolling storms causing disaster throughout the communities it struck, left homes without electricity, gas, or water for days … Continue reading Natural Disaster

Family Member Interview

Assignment: Interview friends, family members, or coworkers. Ask them to tell you what does “Cardiopulmonary Arrest” mean to them. Ask them if they know what “MI” means? Ask them what they perceive happens during “CPR”. Reflect on your findings and post your thoughts about this to your blog. Feel free to add additional questions if … Continue reading Family Member Interview

Heart Healthy Food Log

Thursday: February 4, 2016 (1) apple and peanut butter (w/chia seeds and flax seeds) (1) banana (1) Brown rice cake 16oz. soy chai with a shot of espresso Brown rice, broccoli, and grilled chicken – lightly salted (1) cup of olive oil popcorn – lightly salted Salami, triscitts, and Havarti cheese Protein shake with PB2 … Continue reading Heart Healthy Food Log

Virtual Field Trips with VoiceThread Mobile

Confession: My name is Jaime and I am a regular VoiceThread user. I have been using VoiceThread for the last few years after being introduced to it by Jill Leafsteadt and Michelle Pacansky-Brock. I have integrated VoiceThread in a variety of ways into my courses, from asynchronous discussions about ethical issues in nursing to integrating […]

Wrapping it up!

Your final exam is this Wednesday at 4pm. You only need to bring a scantron and pencil. As soon as you finish the exam you can quietly leave the classroom. I hope to post grades by Thursday, but will post an announcement when final grades are available for your review. I will be available for […]

Tsunami Japan 2011

15,000 dead, 230,000 still without homes in 2013 living in temporary housing. The magnitude-9 earthquake caused a tsunami after the