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Meal Check

Below I have a list of the meals that I ate on Saturday, January 31st, 2015. I found this activity to be very exciting because I enjoy learning about health and fitness. I enjoy eating healthy not only because of its health-benefiting effects, but also because I feel better throughout the day. In addition, I


As I was reading through all of your first week posts and your initial thoughts about blogging, I have to say I have an overwhelming sense of pride. So let me explain … I equally love and hate technology. Technology is challenging, whether it is just getting logged in and started on what you want…

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To like or not to like…

This is the question! I am amazed that I can say I remember a time when there was no internet.  I also remember the time when the internet gradually creeped its way into our world.  I even remember landlines phones that had dials.  Gosh, I’m aging myself. But, so what, haha. I had a computer-geek… Read more »

NRS 420: Likes and Dislikes

The Good: I am very interested in the use of technology in this class. I’ve never used WordPress before, and I think it’s awesome that CI has a tool like CI Keys to give us our own domains. I think that this integration of technology to our work is going to be very beneficial because …

Critical Care: My Thoughts So Far

      Going into this semester, I was really excited to be back in the hospital working with patients. I have prepared myself for a tough semester and so far, I can guarantee that it will be. However, I feel that I am prepared for the work load and the content this semester and as long […]


Let me just say …. I am amazed at what you have done in less than 48 hours! You are an amazing group of students for getting excited, jumping right in, and taking on this new technology challenge. Please “subscribe” from the home page to have announcements automatically send to your email. Have a great…

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Day 1 Success

  Like riding a bike … takes practice but gets easier…   Thank you for your attention and efforts today to go over all the details for the course. I am happy to see some excitement in the development of your new websites! Let me know if you have questions! Jaimie Hoffman is available via…

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