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Prepare and rest for tomorrow!

Good luck on the exam tomorrow. We will be starting the next section on oncology after the exam for the last hour of class. Come prepared and get good sleep tonight!

End of Life Thoughts

End of life care This topic is very interesting to me because my grandparents are getting older. My grandma just

Sepsis Protocol

Sepsis is defined as a state of complete inflammation of the body found to be associated with a known or suspected infection.   Sepsis is a spectrum, the patients start with more mild symptoms and progress to more severe symptoms. At the severe end is septic shock. The first category is Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome […]


I decided to disconnect yesterday, Tuesday, since I was planning to spend most of the way studying anyway. I was sure that being away from my phone, my computer, etc. would help studying progress much faster. When the day started I almost ruined it because usually when I wake up, the first thing I reach… Continue Reading Disconnected…