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Connect – Disconnect

I’ve been thinking a lot about the assignment for this blog entry, and trying to notice how much I “connect” electronically as opposed to in person. It’s an interesting thing […]

24 Hour Disconnect

Let’s just start off by saying, no matter how many days I tried to disconnect from social media and electronics for a full 24 hours, I failed EVERY TIME. Although it may not be why you think I failed. I am not addicted to social media and I have an easy time putting my phone […]

No electronics!

This weekend I attempted to go 24 hours without any electronics (emphasis on the word attempted). I was only able to go about 5 hours without picking up and using my cell phone or laptop. Most of this time was spent reading and studying. I found this challenging because I don’t live with my family … Continue reading No electronics!


This is literally what I see everywhere I go. Mothers crossing the streets holding their child’s hand in one hand and glaring at the glowing screen in the other. Couples on dates so disinterested in one another that all they do is stare in to their phone screens. It’s a sad state of affairs. I’m … Continue reading Disconnecting

End Of Life Care

End of Life Care Ever since the death of my sister I found it very hard to talk about death of even think about it. Because talking about something makes it real and gives it power. For the longest time I spoke only of life with death not a topic for conversations. Then the most […]

Class change for 10/21

We will not have class in our normal location. This week’s class activities are online. We will not meet during 3-6 pm, but will resume our normal schedule next week 10/28. Please review the course online activities for today under Unit Three. Please email me for any questions. I hope you find the activities, videos, […]

Medication Survey

This week I took an informal survey of the family members and roommates regarding medications. I surveyed a total of six people, two roommates and four family members. From these individuals’ responses it is safe[…]