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Heart healthy diet

I imagine how difficult it would be for a patient to suddenly switch their diet of comfort to a low-sodium heart healthy alternative. I’ve only experienced a patient’s reaction to this new diet once in clinical, and the first sentence expressed when looking at the cardiac tray was “That’s not real food, that’s cardboard”. I … Continue reading Heart healthy diet

Heart Healthy Diet

Today, only by luck, I consumed a low salt and low fat diet, which is not necessarily normal for me. I love the taste of salt, and prefer it over the flavor of sugar, so I do find myself searching out snacks and foods on the savory-salty side when given a choice. Today I consumed […]

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Current diet ‘Heart Healthy’

For this week’s assignment we were required to pick a day and evaluate what we eat, focusing on the fat and sodium intake. Since I can remember what I ate yesterday, the following is the[…]

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