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Listen Linda!

After participating in and reading about the importance of listening I can say that I haven’t been truly listening for most of my life. Hearing is usually what people are […]

The Art of Listening

Its a good question. How many of us really listen to the conversations we have everyday? Are we really listening or are we just waiting for the break in the conversation to chime in with our own thoughts. And how much do we listen with more than our ears? The activity I did in class of […]

Listening…Something So Simple, Yet Done So Wrong

After participating in the ‘Listening’ exercise in class, I realized how much I must work on myself. Because of this activity, I learned that I need to work on giving individuals my full attention. I realized that I tend to not look people in the eyes. I also noticed that my eyes tend to wonder […]

Helping Relationships

What are the characteristics that seem most natural to you given your present style of helping? The characteristics that seem most natural to me in my given style of helping are that it is meaningful, involves communication and interaction, and understanding and involvement. A meaningful relationship comes natural for me because I look for meaning … Continue reading Helping Relationships

Ethics Statement

A great set of ethics that I feel can be implemented just about anywhere are the six pillars of character. If you can demonstrate; trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and […]

Statement of Ethics

After having a discussion with a couple of my peers we agreed that it would be a nice touch to add the following quotes to any statement of ethics in the peer mentoring area. “Treat others as you would like to be treated” “Think before you act” “Honesty is the best policy” I think that, […]

Oh Decisions Decisions

In bulletin one it discusses a situation in which a student partakes in an activity that if caught would be considered a felony and how nothing bad has happened as […]

What Do I Do? What Do I Say?

Real Life Ethics. As a discussion leader of a group, you notice a student with whom you have had an unresolved conflict during the past year.  You have strong feelings and reactions to seeing this individual. The principle most applicable to this situation is principle number 7. This principle states that one must “continue to […]