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Ethics Statement

When I worked with my peers we discussed this to be an accurate ethics statement:
Through professionalism we will construct a society that will nurtured and sustained by the responsibility of those who were chosen to enforce rules and facilitate in the…

Ethics Statment

I am lucky that in my current position as a student assistant, this is not the first time I am having a discussion on ethics in a peer mentor situation. During training this was something that we went over quite a bit. The definitions that were given to us are aspects that I agree with […]

When to Speak and not to Speak-That is the Question

Ethics-A trickier subject is difficult to find.  UNFORTUTELY, one reason ethics is so hard is that it is so important. As a leader or someone with authority ethics become even more exponentially critical. Leaders without ethics are how we get cults and genocide in my opinion. (Yes, that is an extreme but I am using […]

Statement of Ethics

During this brain storming activity I found the ideas of ethics we discussed were similar to many of the principles we read about in chapter 10. Here is a list of ideas Integrity(honesty) Knowing your limits of expertise Demonstrating leadership … Continue reading →

Week Four Instructions

  Hey class: Week for instructions have been posted since last Thursday but I’m just following up here to remind you that we do not have face-to-face class today. Your online activities are due today and Thursday. Instructions are located here: http://univ399.jaimiehoffman.com/weekly-instructions/week-4-leadership-ethics/. Also, here’s my week four overview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GzWPLfbIhQ

1, 2, 3, Values in Action

  Ready, set, action! Ok, personality tests are not nearly as interesting as a big action blockbuster. However, like most movies they are a kind of journey- a self discovery journey. And at the end you have to make a decision or two. 1-does this really reflect who I am? and 2-If it does, do […]