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Which self assessment did you take? The self assessment I took was Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) What were your results? My results were kindness, bravery, leadership, honesty,spirituality, teamwork, fairness, perseverance, forgiveness, hope, judgment, perspective, social intelligence, love, prudence, creativity, humor, humility, gratitude, zest, curiosity, self-regulation, appreciation of beauty and excellence, and love of learning. … Continue reading Self-Assessment

Week Three

  Welcome to week three, where we will learn about leadership.  Click here to see the instructions, I’ll be posting a video overview here shortly.  Make sure to check out the “assignments” piece of this weeks’ work… you need to schedule an appointment with the program coordinator asap (if you have not already).

Role Model 101

A role model is someone who is representative as a icon or reflection of leadership, someone who is ambitious and persistent about what they want to accomplish. Successful behaviors among my peer educator revolve around character, including respect, resilience, perseverance, honesty, integrity, and devotion. I feel like I fulfill all of those behaviors maybe I can … Continue reading Role Model 101

Questions for today’s blog post


What is a role model?
What behaviors describe a successful role model in the area served by your peer educator role?
So what are the differences between those behaviors and your own behavior?
Now what are some actions you can take to bec…

Scaffolding isn’t just useful in construction

Last semester I took a risk with by getting “creative” with an assignment technology-wise and… failed.  In my Liberal Studies Capstone Course, I assigned students what I thought was a clearly structured, outcomes-based assignment that would require them to articulate their personal philosophy on leadership in a well-crafted digital story.    I found a great resource on […]