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Important Update on Leadership Learning Module

Class: Unfortunately I do not feel comfortable moving forward with allowing the class to facilitate leadership module with the high school students.  This week, only two of you have been timely and thorough with feedback and completing the assignments, a third has completed the assignments (but not on time) and two of you have not … Read more

LLM Module Work Due Tonight

Class: As a reminder, by tonight you need to have made changes to your portion of the leadership learning module as noted by your classmates.  Also, if you have not done the work due last night, it needs to be done tonight.  The lack of timeliness (not everyone) is causing me to seriously rethink our ability … Read more

Week 13 Work Week Instructions & Extra Credit

Hey Class: Welcome to week 13, our work week for finalizing the leadership learning module.  Please see the Week 13 instruction page: http://ls490.jaimiehoffman.com/week-13-work-week/    Also….  want to earn 20 points extra credit? Attend the Tunnel of Oppression and submit a reflection.  The event takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, November 19 and 20 from 9 a.m. … Read more

Post attendance for 11/10 group meetings here

Greetings class! As a reminder, I have allotted time for you to meet in your evaluation groups tomorrow, Monday 11/10. In order to earn attendance credit, please comment below with: Letter of group Names of group members present Meeting time and date Tasks achieved by each individual member Looking forward to the continuation of your […]

And the verdict is! Persuasive speech stances

Hey class!  The results are in… here is how your classmates feel about your persuasive speech topic; we’ll take the same assessment after the speeches are over to see if folks have moved.   1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither agree nor agree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree  

Touching base

Greetings Class: I hope you are doing well on this fine Tuesday night. I have reviewed and provided feedback on your persuasive speech topics.  Please take a look at my comments and let me know if you have any questions.  Unfortunately I am unable to provide any feedback on late submissions. Tomorrow is a mandatory […]