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Policing Over – Tech in the Classrom

I gave a presentation about using technology for active learning at the Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning Lilly Conference last week in Newport Beach and I knew when planning the presentation I better address some of the pros and cons of allowing technology in the classroom in the first place.  Based on the other narrative out there […]

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It’s not just a plain old key

Reflections on a year of CI Keys It’s hard to believe that it was just a year ago that I sat in a room with some of the “greats” (e.g. Jim Groom, Howard Rheingold, Howard Gardner, Johnston Weirth, etc.) in the world of connected open courses at UC Irvine (hosted by DML).  I honestly had no clue […]

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Your role in one word…

I recently co-presented a session for the Educause Learning Institute’s workshop series, How to Humanize Your Online Course. In our presentation, VoiceThread for Universal Design: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners, we discussed ways that faculty can use VoiceThread for facilitating Universal Design, provided recommended guidelines for using VoiceThread, and some strengths and disadvantages of the tool. […]

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Farewell Dolphins, Fight on Trojans!

So I guess the name of my blog is pretty appropriate; shift happens. This is definitely not a blog announcement I thought would happen after completing only three months in a new job. I’m nearing my ninth anniversary (June 6) at CSU Channel Islands, a place that has become a second home to me. But […]

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Diversity in Groups: A Connected Experience

Check out my guest blog for VoiceThread and posted below —– The Idea Last summer I was inspired to dream about what could be possible if I could connect my students with students in another country in a common learning experience using technology. This was an exciting possibility both because gaining international perspectives is a key […]

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You’re doing what?

My life has been quite a journey over the past few years.  Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version: from June 2006 to October of 2013, I worked as a staff member in the Division of Student Affairs at CSU Channel Islands overseeing a variety of programs, but most recently, the student leadership program… all while teaching […]

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