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Drugs in Hematology and Immunology

Jane Han
acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

Route: PO
Purpose: prophylaxis of transient ischemic attacks and MI, pain, inflammatory disorders, and fever
Action: decrease platelet aggregation, produce analgesia and reduce inflammation and fever by inhibiti…

Sports Injuries and Fractures

Jane Han
ORIF (Open Reduction with Internal Fixation)

1. Hospital Procedure
2. Prevent Infection
3. Cough & Deep Breathing
4. Physical Therapy
5. Elevate the Affected Limb Above the Heart

Education for the Patient

Jane Han Colonoscopy I think patients learn best when they are ready to learn. For example, they may be concerned about diet restrictions or possible side effects of a colonoscopy procedure. Inherently, I would first want to discuss the process of the procedure and address diet restriction or side effects afterwards. But I think addressing … Continue reading Education for the Patient

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Christina Caranica Jane Han Physical examination includes assessing for numbness and tingling in the fingers, loss of grip, pain over the ventral aspect of the wrist with possible radiation to the palm and fingers, tight or swollen feeling in the hand, and/or temperature changes. Tinel’s sign is assessed by percussing lightly over the median nerve.  A … Continue reading Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Effects of long term use of naproxen on the kidneys

Long term use of naproxen can lead to: renal papillary necrosis-death of the opening area of the collecting ducts that enter the kidney, renal insufficiency-poor regulation of blood pressure and ability to remove waste, and acute renal failure-acute shutdown in renal function.  


I was once a visitor in a teaching hospital. It would have been really neat if I had access to a pamphlet or some literature to help me learn about the disease while I was waiting to see my friend. Even though most people now have smart phones and tablets to learn about the disease, … Continue reading GI